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Hardoy from
... Hardoy. "Antes debo .consultarlo con las au- toridades*partidarias, pero yo me opongo personalmente a esa candi- datura". anadid. Hardoy participd recientemente de acto piiblico en que se abogd por union de todos los partidos de ...
Hardoy from
... Hardoy,. Vliilorlnns will w8inb(;ry Mrs, Hardoy A3 ' the duug)itor of Mi', and Mrs. John Koch of this city,
Hardoy from
... Hardoy, Sa noma, and Jean Hardoy, Redwood City, and one niece, Mrs. Kathcrine Troundy, Kerman. Calif. Ro*»ry will be recited at 7 xm. tomorrow at Rearclon Brothers Mortuary Chapel, Ox- nard. Requiem mass will be said at 9 a.m. Wednesday ...
Hardoy from
... Hardoy chair, just as you please. Argentinian lorge Ferrari-Hardoy designed It in IV 18, and it has never really been out of style since It's an adaptation of the military camp chai used by European officers In North Africa. Take home ...
Hardoy from
... Hardoy chair, just as you please. Argentinian Jorge Ferrari-Hardoy designed in 1938, and it has never really been out of style since. It's an adaptation of the military camp chair used by European officers in North Africa,. Hardoy chair ...
Hardoy from
... HARDOY— Bright orange canvas strung on a black metal frame, the famous Hardoy chair is shown against a laminated wood screen. Beside it, a Versenlamp. cle, if the public taste (you again) is intelligent and Informed enough to demand it ...
Hardoy from
... Hardoy chair, just as you please. Argentinian lorge Ferrari-Hardoy designed it in 1938, and it has never really been out of style since. It's an adaptation of the military camp chair used by European officers in North Africa. Take home ...
Hardoy from
... Hardoy, quien se encuentra visitando esa provincia. Al formular esa declaraci6n dirigente del conservatismo. argentine estimo que la situa ci6n de la Argentina "es la mas dificil de los ultimos tiem- pos", por lo que "hay que buscar una ...
Hardoy from
... Hardoy. was killed. An army lieutenant and tour soliders were wounded. Police sources said there was little doubt that the commandos. were members of an Argentin guerrilla group, presumably th People's Revolutionary Arm But other ...
Hardoy from
Port rejoices at line's return. Capt. Edmundo Hardoy must have wondered what all the fuss was about when he steered his spanking new ship into Montreal ... Hardoy. a 48 year old veteran sailor, termed the port facilities "very good.