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Hardoy from
... Hardoy MC , Hardoy MJ , Carta MG , Cabras PL . Gabapentin as a promising treatment for antipsychotic - induced movement disorders in schizoaffective and bipolar patients . J Affect Disord 1999 Aug ; 54 ( 3 ) : 315-7 Hardoy MC see ...
Hardoy from
... Hardoy ( 1973 : 167-192 ) Bangkok- Thonburi San Salva- dor Prachuabmoh and Tirasawat ( op . cit . ) Ebel ( 1971 : 189-203 ) Freetown Levi ( op . cit . ) 318 . 319 . 320 . 321 . 322 . Tidrick ( 1975 : 309 , 317 ) 323 . Hardoy ( 1973 ...
Hardoy from
... Hardoy , Jorge E. " Two thousand years of Latin American in Hardoy , Jorge E. ( editor ) , Urbanization in Latin America : Approaches and Issues ( New York , Anchor Books , 1975 ) . Hardoy , Jorge E. and David Satterthwaite , Shelter ...
Hardoy from
... Hardoy and Nora Scott Kinzer , eds . , Urbanization in the Americas from its Beginnings to the Present . The Hague and Paris : Mouton Publishers . 215-48 . HARDOY , JORGE E. and Carmen ARANOVICH . 1967. " Cuadro compara- tivo de los ...
Hardoy from
... (Hardoy and Pandiella 2009). Moreover, most low-income people live in housing without air conditioning or adequate insulation; during heat waves, the very young, pregnant women, the elderly, and people in poor health are particularly at ...
Hardoy from
... Hardoy , Jorge B. “ Consideraciones sobre urbanización de la ciudad de Buenos Aires . Contribución al estudio de su plano regulador . " Revista de Arquitec- tura 83 ( November 1927 ) . Hardoy , Jorge Enrique . " Teorías y prácticas ...
Hardoy from
... Hardoy J, Satterthwaite D (1981). Shelter: need and response. Housing, land and settlement policies in seventeen third world nations. Chichester, Wiley. Hardoy J, Satterthwaite D (1989). Squatter citizen: life in the urban third world ...
Hardoy from
... Hardoy , voy a volver a aclarar el concep- to . No es que solamente a través del autorrobo ocurran desapariciones de ... Hardoy . Quisiera que el señor diputa- do me aclarara si el seguro cubre también el recargo y los derechos ...
Hardoy from
... Hardoy , Jorge Enrique . Ciudades precolombinas . led . en Caste- 1lano . Buenos Aires , Ediciones Infinito . 1964 Hardoy , Jorge Enrique . Pre - Columbian cities . Translated by Judity Thorne . New York , Walker and Co. 1973 G301.36 ...
Hardoy from
... Hardoy , attorney in fact of Halsey , Stuart & Co. ( Inc. ) . An apparent discrepancy with respect to the price at which the Republie may acquire bonds for the sinking fund exists between the provisions of article 3 of the fiscal agency ...