Released or release from
The Giver, the 1994 Newbery Medal winner, has become one of the most influential novels of our time. The haunting story centers on twelve-year-old Jonas, who lives in a seemingly ideal, if colorless, world of conformity and contentment.
Released or release from
PRESS RELEASES ISSUED BY THE ALASKAN BRANCH OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BETWEEN JANUARY 1 , 1938 AND JANUARY 1 , 1945 Release Commodity date Coal 2/2/4 Coal 1/6/44 Costello Creek coal basin , Four maps , 4 cross sections Alaska . 1 p ...
Released or release from
... released ( from 66 now released ( from Iuvyb 33235 Biforide 66 you released ( from Iuvze 33236 Biforium .. Iuwev 33237 Biforked Iuwfy 33238 Biformati 46 you ... RELEASE - Continued . Ivahs 33283 Bigenerum Will not release 475 475.
Released or release from
... released to the supervised release program and for clients released on bail during the same period . Table 2 indicates the results . TABLE 2 Alleged New Offenses Committed During Pre- Trial Period No New New Offense Offense Total Pre ...
Released or release from
... released on financial conditions than those released on unsecured bond or personal recognizance ( 21 % versus 14 % and 11 % respectively ) . Defendants given conditional release were least likely to have a violation ( 4 % ) . Of the ...
Released or release from
... Released before case disposition Financial Nonfinancial Emergency Note : Data on detention / release outcome were available for 92 % of all cases . Detail may not add to total because of rounding . --Less than 0.5 % . Type of pretrial ...
Released or release from
... release. release n. 1. The distribution and exhibition of a film in a particular territory. Also, the consecutive time period when a film is exhibited in a territory (its “run”). It is sometimes difficult to tell when a film is re- released ...
Released or release from
... released : But a Duty certain may be released before the Performance of it . 1 Inst . 264 . 8 Rep . 136. Litt . 467. 10 Rep . 11. Cro . El . 580 . All Debts and Duties may be released , before or after due , by apt Words . A Release of ...
Released or release from
... release and the date of last resight ) for sea lions last seen alive was 139.7 days ( range 0-575 ; S.D. = 141.7 ) . Northern elephant seals Northern elephant seals were released in the same two general regions as California sea lions ...
Released or release from
... released before the end of Pretrial release of Federal and State felony defendants : Type and timing of release and misconduct while on release The conditions imposed on defendants released by the Federal courts varied somewhat from those ...