million pesos from
... million pesos , compared to 2,712 million for FY 1968. Economic development expendi- tures are projected at 1,032 million pesos , com- pared to 907 million pesos in FY 1968. Spending on social development for FY 1969 will rise to ...
million pesos from
... million pesos , cut to 3 million by 1823. But the costs of counterinsurgency after 1810 created new debts totaling 16.4 million pesos - most owed to internal creditors . Then the republic borrowed 3.2 million pounds at five percent in ...
million pesos from
... million pesos was the value of goods imported from the United States , 6 million from Japan , 4 million from China , and the rest in smaller amounts from other coun- tries . Third in importance in the transportation of our imports was ...
million pesos from
... million pesos was the value of goods imported from the United States , 6 million from Japan , 4 million from China , and the rest in smaller amounts from other coun- tries . Third in importance in the transportation of our imports was ...
million pesos from
... million pesos was the value of goods imported from the United States , 6 million from Japan , 4 million from China , and the rest in smaller amounts from other coun- tries . Third in importance in the transportation of our imports was ...
million pesos from
... million pesos was the value of goods imported from the United States , 6 million from Japan , 4 million . from China , and the rest in smaller amounts from other coun- tries . Third in importance in the transportation of our imports was ...
million pesos from
... million pesos was the value of goods imported from the United States , 6 million from Japan , 4 million from China , and the rest in smaller amounts from other coun- tries . Third in importance in the transportation of our imports was ...
million pesos from
... million gold pesos . They exceeded by 11.6 million pesos the exports for June 1942 and by 31,3 million pesos the exports for July 1941 . IMPORTS for July totalled 62,3 million gold pesos , exceeding imports for any month since June 1931 ...
million pesos from
... million pesos in the first half to 1960 to 37.5 million pesos in the first half of 1961. Most of the increase was accounted for by new residential construction , which increased from under 8 million to over 12 million pesos ...
million pesos from
... million pesos . This includes a surplus of 34 million pesos carried forward from the previous year , so that the net surplus of the operations of 1929 is 43 million pesos . The government however spent 15 million pesos during the year ...