million pesos from
... million pesos Mexican gold and 10 · 7 million pesos Mexican silver , whereas the figures recorded as at 30th June , 1926 , were 32.9 millions and 29.9 millions respectively . Similarly , a decrease in the value of the gold and silver ...
million pesos from
... million pesos Mexican gold and 107 million pesos Mexican silver , whereas the figures recorded as at 30th June , 1926 , were 32.9 millions and 29 · 9 millions respectively . Similarly , a decrease in the value of the gold and silver ...
million pesos from
... million pesos against notes of 7,855 million pesos ; bank deposits of 1,659 million pesos and other deposits of 3 million pesos ; loans to credit institutions , which were only 72 million pesos in 1937 , had risen to 1,900 million ...
million pesos from
... million pesos . Of this amount , reserves were 2,982 million pesos ; foreign assets , 202 million pesos ; loans to business firms and individuals , 11,455 million pesos ; and loans to development banks , 2,186 million pesos . On the ...
million pesos from
... million euros per year . Alberto Campa founded Campa Spain on December 31 , 2000 , with a share capital of 100 ... pesos . With this money , he paid for the black box ( 20 million ) and bought the first transmitter ( 80 million ) ...
million pesos from
... million at the end of December . This drop , however , is somewhat misleading , since a large part of the De- cember ... pesos . This loan , which was signed in October 1960 , will permit the availability of the following funds ...
million pesos from
... pesos but does not exceed three million pesos ; four and one - eighth per centum when the value exceeds three million pesos but does not exceed three million five hundred thou- sand pesos ; four and one - half per centum when the ...
million pesos from
... pesos but does not exceed three million pesos ; four and one - eighth per centum when the value exceeds three million pesos but does not exceed three million five hundred thou- sand pesos ; four and one - half per centum when the ...
million pesos from
... pesos additional are hereby appropriated out of any funds in the Insular Treasury , not otherwise appropriated ... million pesos , two hundred pesos . " One million pesos but less than two million pesos , two hundred and fifty ...
million pesos from
... million pesos , compared to 2,712 million for FY 1968. Economic development expendi- tures are projected at 1,032 million pesos , com- pared to 907 million pesos in FY 1968. Spending on social development for FY 1969 will rise to ...