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release from
... release of the ment to eftect Ihe release of the prisoners." L,nwrenc.e and, if so, just Some Senators questions. .t; .-..i,-. menl? Did this country make, any concessions to the Soviets what were they? are asking these. en months with ...
release from
... release from jail. 5 Marsh, who had been held jsix months in Walker County nail, walked out of the Walker Sheriffs Department Tuesday •evening, Aug. 27, after posting '4159,200 bond. } } Wilson said "no one particular lar thing ...
release from
... release act will continue. Walters said Wednesday he now was satisfied, the Inmate release is essential and would not seriously jeopardize public safety. "This keeps us out of federal court and keeps me from having to call out the ...
release from
Canyon water release not expected to increase flooding. Advocate Staff Report A faster release of water from the Canyon Reservoir beginning Tuesday is not expected to increase risk of flooding in Victoria, according to the National ...
release from
... release on Nov. 10, found guilty, sentenced to two days. Joshua Beaulleu, 19, Lisbon, burglary of a motor vehicle, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, and violating condition of release on Nov. 9, found guilty on all charges ...
release from
... release law under which the governor can direct the Board of Pardons and Paroles to release nonviolent of fenders/ up to six months early. Iff reduce the prison population. "The amount of people we're going to have to release is the ...
release from
... Release) plus First Contact (NRC) (See 1st Release). 1.30 Diva (M) (See 1st Release): 3.45, 7.39 Dark Circle (G) (See 1st Release) Sun 1.30. 530 Tha Sharkcallarf of Kontu plus. First Contact 3 45. 7 30 Dark Circle 9 Diva (M) Mon-Thurs ...
release from
Successful release of bog turtles. Staff members from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division (DNRAVRD), the Chattahoochee Nature Center (CNC), Tennessee Aquarium, U.S. Forest Service (USES), Atlanta ...
release from
... release he is to pay $300 in attorney's fees. Immediate work release recommended. Latavia Hargrave received 60 days in prison for misdemeanor larceny. The sentence is to run concurrent with another sentence she has received. Keith ...
release from
... release "a turning point in our history." From its headquarters in Lusaka, Zambia the ANC said, "We welcome Nelson Mandela back from all those years of imprisonment into our midst with great joy." ANC executive committee member James ...