Contains forms and instructions for the Form R and Form A that TRI (Toxics Release Inventory) submitters use each year to report toxic chemicals released into the land, water, or air.
Contains forms and instructions for the Form R and Form A that TRI (Toxics Release Inventory) submitters use each year to report toxic chemicals released into the land, water, or air.
This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides a broad understanding of the changes, new features, and new functions introduced with IBM z/OS® Version 2 Release 1 (2.1).
This books describes the following new and changed functions: - IBM z/OS Management Facility - Allocation enhancements in z/OS V1R11 - BCPii function enhancements in z/OS V1R11 - JES2 and JES3 enhancements - zFS file sharing enhancements - ...
A comprehensive review & summary for the 1992 requirements for toxic chemical release. Explains in detail the reporting, strategy & results by state, industry & company. A discussion of pollution prevention activities & results is provided.
The book addresses the following topics: - z/OS V1R13 overview, z/OS V1R13 installation, managing volume backups with fast replication, XCF enhancements, console service enhancements - DFSMSdfp, DFSMSoam, DFSMShsm, ISPF enhancements, ...