iTunes Connect · Manage your content on the iTunes Store and Apple Books.
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Account Requirements. Digital rights to the books you would like to offer; An Apple Account for use on the iTunes Store with a valid credit card on file.
To continue with this application, you must have an Admin or Legal iTunes Connect account that is already set up to sell content on iTunes.
Welcome to iTunes Connect. Use this application to tell us about yourself and the content you are interested in distributing.
iTunes Connect is a web-based tool that allows you to manage your deliveries to Apple Music and the iTunes Store.
Apple TV partners access iTunes Connect to view contracts, sales, and banking information. Learn how to add and manage iTunes Connect users.
iTunes Connect is your home base for managing your account and content. It houses the tools, guides, and reports you'll need while working with Apple Books.
Jul 6, 2023 · I created a brand new iTunes Connect account with the AppleID I use for everything else Apple but Pages for iPad and Mac keep throwing this error message.
May 17, 2022 · I am trying to sign up for an iTunes Connect account on my iPhone and it isn't working. I am trying to publish from Pages to Apple Books.
Access iTunes Connect to manage content, add and manage users, and view contracts, sales, and banking information.