million pesos from
... pesos and does not exceed forty thousand pesos ; two per centum per annum upon the amount by which such total net ... million pesos ; eleven per centum per annum upon the amount by which such total net income exceeds one million ...
million pesos from
... Million Pesos Jorge Eduardo Costilla Sánchez , alias " El Coss " 30 Million Pesos Ezequiel Cárdenas Guillén , alias " Tony Tormenta " 30 Million Pesos Miguel Angel Treviño Morales ... Million Pesos 30 Million Pesos 30 Million Pesos 30.
million pesos from
... million pesos Mexican gold and 107 million pesos Mexican silver , whereas the figures recorded as at 30th June , 1926 , were 32.9 millions and 29 · 9 millions respectively . Similarly , a decrease in the value of the gold and silver ...
million pesos from
... million pesos to 1,112 million ; capi- tal increased 130 percent , from 62 million pesos to 142 million ; admitted assets increased 260 percent , from 497 million pesos to 1,787 million ; yearly direct premium income increased 236 ...
million pesos from
... million pesos , cut to 3 million by 1823. But the costs of counterinsurgency after 1810 created new debts totaling 16.4 million pesos - most owed to internal creditors . Then the republic borrowed 3.2 million pounds at five percent in ...
million pesos from
... million pesos ( 17.2 million dollars ) ; their combined production was valued at 23.3 million pesos ( 13.3 million dollars ) , and they employed 2,422 workers . Beer accounted for almost the entire output , although malt , carbonic gas ...
million pesos from
Philippines. sand pesos and does not exceed two hundred and forty thousand pesos ; nine per centum upon the amount by ... million pesos ; seventeen per centum upon the amount by which such share exceeds one million pesos and does ...
million pesos from
... million pesos annually . By the end of 1950 , the total public debt was 520 million pesos of which 370 million pesos was internal , while new borrowing totaled 150 million pesos . Public works expenditures increased 89 percent , jumping ...
million pesos from
... million pesos . Liberty Chromite Co. at Palawan , the only other metallurgical chromite producer , supplied 6,440 ... million tons of ore exported to Japan earned US $ 10.4 million in foreign exchange , less than 2 percent of the ...